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Judges’ Education

Mission: We strive to promote and educate American Kennel Club judges and exhibitors in the form and function of the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje in order to preserve the breed in its original form as from the country of origin.

Committee Tasks


  • Establish Judge Education presentation based on the “Explanation of the Breed Standard of the Dutch Kooikerhondje”

  • Develop criteria for Breed Mentors and Judges’ Education Presenters.

  • Develop questionnaire and train Judges’ Education presenters and Breed mentors. Questionnaire and training to be completed prior to presentation of the individual to the Board of Directors for approval.

  • Create the Snapshot for judge’s quick reference.

  • Produce a PowerPoint presentation with script for use in future presentations and to appear online at the NKCUSA website.

  • Make presentations to Judges and prospective Judges in the American Kennel Club.

  • Breeder and Exhibitor educational opportunities for NKCUSA members.


Services for AKC Judges

The Breed Standard and Judges’ Education Committee (JEC) of the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje Club of the United States of America is pleased to make available to all approved, new and prospective AKC Judges whatever information they may be searching for with regard to judging the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje. If you do not find what you are looking for on, or linked to this site, please do not hesitate to contact any of our Committee members.

The JEC is dedicated to striving to promote and educate American Kennel Club judges and exhibitors in the form and function of the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje in order to preserve the breed in its original form as from the country of origin.

Our goals are in formulating effective, reliable and objective breed presentations to aspiring, provisional, and approved N. Kooikerhondje judges. The goal of the JEC is to hold and support presentations in various areas of the United States in order to facilitate the needs of judges, with the end result of better educated judges able to assess our breed. If at all possible, we will gladly make ringside mentoring available at our Annual Event and when requested.

We encourage all N. Kooikerhondje judges to view the videos linked on this site as well as read the excerpts from “The Book of Duck Decoys” to understand how our breed performed the type of work that was historically required of them. This will give the judge a better insight into the reasons for the conformation requirements as specified in our breed standard.

Judge's Education Presentation

Videos Referenced in

Judge's Education Presentation

Werken in de kooi

Werken in de kooi

Play Video
Eendenkooi Brabants

Eendenkooi Brabants

Play Video

Breed Standard and Judges’ Education Committee

Chair: Christine Carroll, Ohio 513-907-9586



Deborah Bean, California 

Diana Striegel, The Netherlands 

As the breed matures in the American Kennel Club, these requirements will adjust to match the minimums suggested by AKC. These criteria are subject to annual revision.


Approved Breed Presenters/Mentors for 2022-2023 Club Year

Deborah Bean (CA)

Christine Carroll (OH)

Diana Striegel (Neth)

KCUSA 501(3)(c) 


NKCUSA is the designated AKC Parent Breed Club for the Nederlandse Kooikerhondje.

Recognized January 1, 2018

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